High-Quality Automated Zoom Captions

Generate accessible captions for Zoom meetings quickly and easily with SyncWords Live utilizing award-winning automatic speech recognition technology from AppTek.

Schedule a Live Automated Captioning Demo

Looking for accessible captions that can be instantly available when you need them? Schedule a live demo of our live automatic captioning solution featuring next-generation AI-enabled speech recognition technology.


AI-Enabled captioning services for accessibility.

Simple & Easy

No advanced scheduling required! Get up and running in one minute with quality automatic captions delivered to virtually any device. Access, transcripts, timecode and timestamp files after the event to record meeting minutes.


Pay-as-you-go solutions or monthly plans are available with customized options to meet your needs. Service available in multiple languages, while professional human captioning services can also be made available.

Rights Managed

Assign rights to users as you see fit. Manage user limits in relation to video hours and the type of captioning they can request. Get access to complete and secure controls, all billed under one umbrella account.

ASR Captions

Synchwords Live and AppTek Partner to Bring a Scalable Captioning Solution for Accessibility

SyncWords Live helps organizations enhance accessibility by providing a platform to deliver real-time captions to online meeting and streaming services making adding captions to your webinar a breeze. While SyncWords Live can be used as a primary tool to help deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences, meeting Section 508 compliance, accessibility is for everyone and several studies have shown that captions provide clarity, boost comprehension and retention among all participants.

Automatic captions are provided by AppTek, a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies for automatic speech recognition (ASR), neural machine translation (NMT) and natural language understanding (NLU) technologies.

Live automatic captions in just three easy steps.
No advanced scheduling required!


Create QuickStart captions for your Zoom event or other online meeting.

For Zoom, you’ll paste your caption link (API token) so we can publish captions to your meeting. It takes just a few seconds.


Start your stream and connect to SyncWords Live Powered by AppTek.

Start your custom livestream in Zoom. A page will pop up where you can plug in stream URL and stream key from SyncWords Live. Also takes a few seconds.


Done! Adjust settings if desired.

ASR captions begin to flow. You can update your custom dictionary, including appropriate spellings for names and terms, as well as prohibited words, among other settings if desired. Optional and takes a few seconds.

The better way to automatically caption online meetings.

Schedule a demo today.

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